This is a fraudulent email from a theme “INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF)“. Do not try to contact him by phone or email, you risk being cheated or robbed of her well-known tricks.



date:15 aprile 2015 20:20



Letter 1:


Head Office Department in Republic Du Benin
Presidential Quarters Rue 1478 Cotonou.
Telephone Number +22998812990)
Email Address:( )


A power of attorney was forwarded to our office this morning by one gentle man and he is a citizen from united state of America and his name is MR MILLER GRAIG DOUGLAS.

This man claimed to be your representative and this power of attorney stated that you are dead after brief illness and he brought account to replace your information in other to claim your fund of $8.5 million us dollars which is now lying dormant and unclaimed, below is the new account he have submitted:

City Bank
Account# / 6503809428.
Address 1076 Peter Johnson Road
New York, USA,


Be further informed that this power of attorney also stated that you suffered and died of a throat cancer. You are therefore given 24 hrs to confirm the truth in this information, if you are still alive, you are to contact us back immediately, because we work 24 hrs just to ensure that we monitor all the activities going on in regards to the transfer of beneficiary’s inheritance and contract payment.

You are to call this office immediately for clarifications on this matter as we shall be available 24 hrs to speak with you and give you the necessary guidelines on how to ensure that your payment is wired to you immediately and also be inform that any further delay from your side could be dangerous, as we would not be held responsible for any wrong payment. Contact us as soon as possible if you are truly alive as we have his identification and residence he provides for us to wired the payment to him.

Note: we want you to re-confirm your personal information below with the fee of $ 85 dollars to enable us renew and update your file before we will take next step and make sure that you receive your fund this week without no problem okay.

(1) Full Name:
(2) Country/State:
(3) Delivery Address:
(4) Occupation;
(5) Sex.
(6) Age:
(7) Telephone Number:
(8) A Cope of Your Passport:
(9)monthly income:

You are required to use this below information by send the fee of $85 dollars needed to update your payment file, before we can take step and make sure that you receive your fund this week without any hitch.

Send the fee via Western Union or Money Gram.

Receiver Name: Maduabuchi Mathias Enete
Receiver Address: BENIN REPUBLIC
Text Question: A
Answer: B
Amount: $ 85

We are waiting for your anticipate cooperation as soon as you receive this message.

Best Regards.
Mr. mahmand abubuka (Director General)
International Monetary Funds Unit.
Republic Du Benin.
Telephone:+229 98812990



Letter 2 Report From MUJABI IVAN:

Our ref; bip77lceld2011n016 your Ref; …date 21/11/2016

Foreign remittance / exchange department

Re: request for transfer of ($1.900.000.00 USA) One Million Nine Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only.)

Attention of; Mr. Mujabi Ivan Stanley

Respectful Sir,

We received transfer notification message from ‘IMF’ FUND OUT STAND PAYMENTS OFFICE TUNISIA. To transfer this above sum into your account and we have started putting all transfer documents ready in order to enable us commence the transfer with other payments that will take place this week.


Before any funds will be granted to transfer out from our bank to any international account or local account.

A transfer approval will be required to secure from our ministry of finance here in our country. This document is mandatory to obtain following our transfer / government transfer protocol.

We want to let you know that this transaction is risk free and you would not have to regret or worry about anything once we commence this transaction.

This transaction is a swift transfer and as soon as you comply with our international transfer procedure.

Our government official rate to secure the transfer approval on your behalf will cost you the sum of €510 Euros (Five hundred and ten euros only).

We shall transfer the funds to you within 24 hours immediately you provide us the government official rate to secure the transfer approval under your name as the beneficiary. So it is paramount you comply with our directives and send the fees to us via money gram or via western union money transfer to our accountant officer details below;




Finally; to avoid transfer error. You are requested to print out our bank international transfer form which we attached in this message and fill the space with the required information in capital letters and resend to us through attachment.

Once you provide these details along with receipt of the payments, we shall conclude the transfer within 24 hours after you have provided all this details to us.

We shall forward you all transfer documents after we have secure all the transfer documents on your behalf , Please be noted that the transfer can only take place if you will provide all this details and receipt of the payments.

Feel free to call me on my direct line below, If you need any direction in filing the transfer form or any other information you may need to inquire

Thanks for time.

Rev. Dr. Roy Jean Mark
Executive director of remittance & it
Bank of Africa Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.
Direct telephone; +22577996467

This document and the information it contains are the exclusive property of bank of Africa. And adequate measures must be taken to ensure they remain confidential. Accordingly, the reader is advised that the transmission of this document or the information it contains to a third party, as well as the reproduction, copy or use thereof in any manner whatsoever without the written consent of bank of Africa is strictly prohibited.
Attachments area

Mujabi Ivan
Nov 22 (1 day ago)

to Bank
i dont have that money…. thank you so much.

Bank of Africa
2:30 PM (18 hours ago)

to me
Our ref; bip77lceld2011n016 your Ref; …date 22/11/2016

Foreign remittance / exchange department

Re: request for transfer of ($1.900.000.00 USA) One Million Nine Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only.)

Attention of; Mr. Mujabi Ivan Stanley

Respectful Sir,

We received your message; if you can not raise the full amount, Print out the form and fill the information and end half of this €510 euros, then you will pay the rest immediately you receive your funds.

Finally, we shall start transferring the funds little by little to the account you will provide and the transfer will take place if you were able to return the form and half of the fee today

Send the half of fees to us via money gram or via western union money transfer to our accountant officer details below;




Finally; to avoid transfer error. You are requested to print out our bank international transfer form which we attached in this message and fill the space with the required information in capital letters and resend to us through attachment along with the receipt of the payment.

Mujabi Ivan
4:02 PM (17 hours ago)

to Bank
me am a student, u can deduct on that money you want to send.

Mujabi Ivan
4:03 PM (17 hours ago)

to Bank
may be you can send the money and i remove from that to send to you. thank you so much

Bank of Africa
4:14 PM (17 hours ago)

to me
Foreign remittance / exchange department

Re: request for transfer of ($1.900.000.00 USA) One Million Nine Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only.)

Attention of; Mr. Mujabi Ivan Stanley

Respectful Sir,

This reason why I agreed you pay half of the fee is to make things easy for you and we have to be transferring the funds little to by little until the entire funds enters your account, this are the only way the funds can be transfer to your account without been hold by international funds monitoring section.

We can not deduct any penny from this funds without the approval from the ministry of finance , This are the only money you will invest, once the approval has been issued, the transfer will take place

We advice you print out the form and fill space with the requirements information and resend it to us through attachment and send us the receipt of the half of the fee.

Send €250 euros , and I will cover the rest. this is the only thing I can do with my position.

Mujabi Ivan
6:09 PM (15 hours ago)

to Bank
thank you so much for the love and everything, but am not in that position to pay that money, if there is no other way apart from what i said earlier then you can keep that money… i dont have any problem with you. God bless you so much

Bank of Africa
6:19 PM (15 hours ago)

to me
Foreign remittance / exchange department

Re: request for transfer of ($1.900.000.00 USA) One Million Nine Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only.)

Attention of; Mr. Mujabi Ivan Stanley

Respectful Sir,

There is no transaction without payments, I am only a staff in this bank and I can not go beyond the bank rules.

Mujabi Ivan
6:34 PM (14 hours ago)

to Bank
it is well then, cannot do anything about it. thank you so much again.

Bank of Africa
6:59 PM (14 hours ago)

to me
Foreign remittance / exchange department

Re: request for transfer of ($1.900.000.00 USA) One Million Nine Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only.)

Attention of; Mr. Mujabi Ivan Stanley

Respectful Sir,

I am adding the balance from my pocket of which you will resend it once you start receiving your funds and I am family man with kids.

I know it is hard for student to get money, but we have to follow the banking transfer protocol , If really you need this funds, You have to make an efforts; even if you can not raise up to the €250 euro, At least send €150 euros, then I will help you to complete the rest

Both the receipt of the cost and the approval will be send to you.

Print out the form and fill it in capital letters and send it to us along with the receipt of the €150 euro.

Then I will go for the approval documents tomorrow if you meet up to provide them today

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