If you have been scammed in the past and want to learn how to protect yourself from being scammed again, then Defend Themselves From Financial Fraud Scam and Identity Theft is the website for you!

This website is designed to provide information and tips on how to protect yourself from being scammed online. There are many different ways that people can be scammed so it’s important to educate yourself on the latest scams out there in order to stay safe!

There are many different types of scams out there and you need to be aware of them in order to protect yourself from falling victim. Whether it’s a Nigerian scam or an identity theft scam, there are things you can do to make sure you don’t lose money or harm your personal information.

What are the unique aspects of FraudsWatch?

1. It provides news and information on financial fraud and scams.

2. It offers advice on how to avoid being scammed.

3. It provides a forum for reporting scams

Who are the target audiences of FraudsWatch?

  1. People who have been scammed in the past and want to learn how to protect themselves from being scammed again.
  2. People who are interested in learning about various types of fraud and scams so that they can be more aware of them and protect themselves from becoming victims.
  3. Law enforcement officials who want to learn more about the latest methods that scammers are using in order to help catch them and bring them to justice

What is the call to action on this website?

1. To report scammers

2. Helpful and informative


In the world, The “fraud” has many faces and ways of action. Unfortunately, year after year there are more cases of fraud. We aim to discover these old or new ways and expose them in our website Fraudswatch.com. Find more here ..

Internet Fraud

Online scam: It has become the most common method of fraud, and it is used in most systems of money: business, personal or company. These offenses would be: military and romance scams, identity thief, companies, accounting and many more which you can read here …

Report A Fraud

If you have been defrauded, or know some scammers, to report them here to help all those who have no experience or learn how to beware of these embezzlements: Here can Report A Scammer …

Military Scammer

Some of the names used by scammers are those of the military, and we will show examples of such truffles and exposing their

Romance Scammer

Romance Scammer is the fastest way to trick or deceive you, we try to find as many criminals and living present

Email Scam List

I searched and found a lot of email addresses used in “dirty purposes”, and are pleased to expose them to you in more lists for fraud online

Fraud and Scam

FraudsWatch.com is а site reporting on fraud and scammers on internet, in financial services and personal. Providing a daily news service publishes articles contributed by experts; is widely reported in thе latest compliance requirements, and offers very broad coverage of thе latest online theft cases, pending investigations and threats of fraud.

Video From FraudsWatch.com


Crime Stoppers Reviews

Crime Stoppers оr Crimestoppers іѕ а program, separate frоm thе emergency telephone number system оr оthеr standard methods оf contacting police, thаt аllоwѕ а member оf thе community tо supposedly provide anonymous information аbоut criminal activity. Thіѕ аllоwѕ а person tо provide crime solving assistance tо thе authorities wіthоut bеіng dіrесtlу involved іn thе investigation process. Crime Stopper programs аrе operated іn mаnу communities worldwide.

  • Channel your inner cynic: Don’t be afraid to roll your eyes at “once-in-a-lifetime deals” and scoff at sob stories that smell fishier than last week’s tuna. Healthy skepticism is your superpower.
  • Befriend your local librarian: They’re scam-fighting ninjas disguised as book whisperers. Unleash their knowledge on suspicious emails or investment offers. Bonus points for using Dewey Decimal revenge.
  • Embrace the power of “Grandma would NEVER”: If the offer would make your grandma clutch her pearls and faint, it’s probably a scam. Channel her wisdom, even if you haven’t met her.
  • Develop a “Scam Slayer” ringtone: Train your dog to bark like a Doberman at the sound of suspicious calls. Bonus points for a parrot that squawks, “It’s a trap!”
  • Master the art of reverse psychology: When a scammer pushes, pull back. Play dumb, act confused, waste their time. Make them feel like they’re explaining quantum physics to a goldfish.
  • Befriend a hacker (ethically, of course): Have them stress-test your online defenses and sniff out vulnerabilities before the bad guys do. Pizza and ethical hacking: the ultimate sleepover party.
  • Turn the tables: Scam the scammer (safely): Waste their time with nonsensical stories, lead them on wild goose chases, and document their tactics to share with the authorities. Remember, knowledge is power, even the hilarious kind.
  • Channel your inner Marie Kondo: If an offer doesn’t spark joy, toss it! Don’t let FOMO or pressure cloud your judgment. True joy doesn’t come with unsolicited phone calls.
  • Befriend a security guard: They’ve seen it all, from fake IDs to elaborate cons. Pick their brains about red flags and trust your gut when they raise an eyebrow.
  • Embrace the power of laughter: Humor is a scammer’s kryptonite. Make fun of their ridiculous claims, laugh at their bad grammar, and expose their absurdity to the world.
  • Become a “Scam Spotter” influencer: Share your knowledge, red flags, and hilarious encounters online. Educate others and create a community of scam-savvy superheroes.
  • Channel your inner artist: Create anti-scam posters, write scam-busting songs, or perform educational skits. Get creative and make scam awareness fun and unforgettable.
  • Organize a “Scamnesty International”: Gather your neighbors, friends, and family. Share experiences, swap tips, and hold each other accountable. United we scam-fight!
  • Befriend a lawyer: Get a free consultation! Learn your legal rights and understand the consequences scammers face. Knowledge is power, especially when backed by legal muscle.
  • Develop a “Scammer Hall of Shame”: Create a public forum where people can share their experiences and warn others. Name and shame the scammers, but always do so responsibly and ethically.
  • Remember, you’re not alone: Scammers target everyone, but together, we can be smarter, savvier, and more united. Share your stories, fight back, and never let them win!

Who Should I Notify About Fraud or Scam Attempts?

1. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Your first line of defense against domestic cons, the FTC offers a sleek online portal to report and track your case. Think of it as a virtual SWAT team for financial crimes.

2. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): A joint venture between the FBI and National White Collar Crime Center, the IC3 is where you report online fraud with the firepower of a combined detective agency and cybercrime task force.

3. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Suspect investment shenanigans? The SEC is your Wall Street watchdog, sniffing out shady stock deals and protecting your hard-earned nest egg like a financial guardian angel.

4. Your Local Police Department: Don’t underestimate the power of your neighborhood heroes. Local police can investigate and potentially press charges, making them a valuable ally in your fight against local scams.

5. The Better Business Bureau (BBB): This non-profit organization wields the power of public awareness, warning others about potential scams and helping you file complaints against fraudulent businesses. Think of them as the community watchdogs of the business world.

6. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Bank fraud got you feeling blue? The FDIC is your financial first responder, investigating and potentially reimbursing losses due to bank fraud. They’re like a financial ambulance, rushing to your aid when banking goes wrong.

7. Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms have built-in reporting systems for suspicious activity. Use them to flag fraudulent accounts and protect your online community from digital deception.

8. Your Credit Card Company: If your credit card is compromised, your provider is your first line of defense. They can cancel your card, investigate the fraud, and potentially reimburse you for stolen funds. Remember, they’re on your team!

9. The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC): This organization offers support and resources to victims of all types of crime, including fraud. They can connect you with counseling, legal aid, and other resources to help you recover from the emotional and financial impact of fraud.

10. Online Fraud Reporting Websites: Websites like PhishTank and Spokeo allow you to report and track phishing attempts and other online scams. Sharing your experience helps protect others from falling victim to the same deceptions.

Reporting Fraud on Fraudwatch.com: A Curated List of Resources

Official Fraudwatch.com Resources:

  • Report Fraud: This is the primary landing page for submitting fraud reports to Fraudwatch.com. It provides a clear and concise form to document your experience: Report 
  • Help Center: This section offers various FAQs and guides on different types of fraud and how to report them: Explore
  • Fraud Types: Explore specific categories of fraud to understand the nuances of reporting each type: Archive

Additional Resources:

  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC is the primary government agency responsible for consumer protection. Their website offers extensive resources on reporting fraud, including identity theft, scams, and online fraud: FTC report
  • Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): A joint initiative by the FBI and National White Collar Crime Center, the IC3 is a central hub for reporting internet-related crime, including online fraud: https://www.ic3.gov/
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): The BBB tracks and reports business complaints, including fraudulent activities. You can file a complaint or search for scam alerts: https://www.bbb.org/

Tips for Reporting Fraud:

  • Be specific: When reporting fraud, provide as much detail as possible, including dates, times, names, and contact information.
  • Gather evidence: Keep copies of any relevant documents, emails, or screenshots related to the fraudulent activity.
  • Report promptly: The sooner you report fraud, the better the chances of recovering your losses and preventing others from being victimized.
  • Be cautious of sharing personal information: Only share your information with trusted authorities when reporting fraud.

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Mortgage Scams: How to Recognize Them?

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Paul Watterson Sentenced For Role In Multimillion-Dollar Mortgage Fraud

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False Claims Act: ResMed Corp Has Agreed To Pay To Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Violations

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