Scam Email: Tim Patty


Hi Kathleen, Thanks for your blog. Below is an email I received today. I was skeptical but pretty convinced once I got the response.

From: Tim Patty []
Date: Wed, May 22, 2015 at 8:55 AM
Subject: PAinter Needed

I need your services as a decorative painter for my
wife birthday in August.
Are you a faux,canvas or colored pencil painter.
Check your the attach images to this email and let me know if you can make
exact paint for me,awaits your mail.


* My response:*
Hi Tim,

Yes I am able to paint this for you. I would nee to know sizes. Do you want 2 paintings or the eagle and the landscape combined.


*His Response*
tim patty
12:30 PM (1 hour ago)

to Erin
Thanks for your swift response and her birthday is on August 2 so i want
you to to make a replica of the 2 image the landscape and the eagle
separately but my wife loves nature,presently am in Philippines doing
social work to the victim of typhoon haiyan also its a surprise for her
and i want it ready before her birthday.

How many weeks will its takes you to finish the 2 painting and size is 24
by 30 and what is the total cost?

I want canvas painting and i want to present it to her on her birthday as
gift,awaits your mail.

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