New Forms of Financial Fraud in 2023


The rapid advancement of technology has created new opportunities for both legitimate financial transactions and malicious activities. By 2023, financial fraud has evolved into a multi-billion-dollar industry, with criminals constantly developing new techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in financial systems. This article explores some of the most innovative forms of financial fraud that have emerged in recent years.

1. Deepfake Voice and Video Scams

Deepfake technology allows for the creation of highly realistic audio and video content that can deceive even the most vigilant observer. Cybercriminals are leveraging this technology to impersonate executives, employees, or even clients, requesting wire transfers or divulging sensitive information.

For instance, in a CEO fraud scenario, a criminal might use a deepfake video or voice call to convince a high-ranking employee that they are communicating with the company’s CEO. The employee, believing the request to be legitimate, might transfer funds to a fraudulent account.

To counteract this type of fraud, organizations should implement multi-factor authentication and verification processes, as well as educate employees about the risks associated with deepfake technology.

2. Synthetic Identity Fraud

Synthetic identity fraud involves creating a fake identity by combining real and fabricated personal information. Criminals use these synthetic identities to open bank accounts, apply for loans, or obtain credit cards.

One method of creating a synthetic identity is through the use of “credit profile number” (CPN) schemes. CPNs are nine-digit identifiers that resemble Social Security numbers. Fraudsters use these numbers to build credit profiles, ultimately applying for credit or loans using the synthetic identity.

Combatting synthetic identity fraud requires a combination of advanced data analytics and collaboration between financial institutions, credit bureaus, and law enforcement.

3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Exploits

Decentralized finance (DeFi) has gained significant traction, providing users with a range of financial services without the need for traditional intermediaries like banks. However, the nascent and largely unregulated nature of DeFi has made it a prime target for fraudsters.

Examples of DeFi-related fraud include:

  • Smart contract vulnerabilities: Criminals exploit coding errors in smart contracts to manipulate transactions or siphon off funds.
  • Rug pulls: Fraudsters create a seemingly legitimate DeFi project, encourage users to invest, and then withdraw their funds, leaving investors with worthless tokens.
  • Flash loan attacks: Criminals borrow funds from a DeFi platform, manipulate the market, and then repay the loan within a single transaction, profiting from the price differences.

To minimize the risk of DeFi fraud, users should conduct thorough due diligence on projects and platforms, practice good cybersecurity hygiene, and use trusted wallet applications.

4. Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking is a form of cybercrime wherein criminals use a victim’s computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies without their knowledge or consent. This can result in slower device performance, increased energy consumption, and even hardware damage.

Criminals typically infect devices with cryptojacking malware through phishing emails, malicious downloads, or compromised websites. In some cases, they may also use cloud platforms, exploiting misconfigurations to access and mine on virtual machines.

To prevent cryptojacking, individuals and organizations should invest in robust antivirus software, maintain up-to-date software patches, and monitor their systems for unusual activity.

5. Mobile Payment Fraud

As the adoption of mobile payment systems grows, so too does the risk of fraud. Cybercriminals are targeting these platforms to conduct unauthorized transactions, intercept payment data, or manipulate account balances.

Some common mobile payment fraud methods include:

  • Account takeover: Criminals gain access to a user’s mobile payment account, often through phishing or malware, and make unauthorized transactions.
  • Mobile app cloning: Fraudsters create counterfeit versions of popular payment apps, tricking users into entering their credentials, which are then stolen.
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks: Criminals intercept and manipulate data transmitted between users and payment platforms, often using compromised Wi-Fi networks or rogue cell towers.

To mitigate the risk of mobile payment fraud, users should enable multi-factor authentication, avoid downloading apps from untrusted sources, and be cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks.


As technology continues to evolve, so too will the methods used by cybercriminals to perpetrate financial fraud. It is critical for individuals and organizations to stay informed about emerging threats and adopt proactive measures to protect themselves from the financial and reputational damage caused by fraud.

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