Romance Scammers – “elmira” -“Elena Pushtarekova”-“Svetlana Reshkina”

Elena Pushtarekova
Elena Pushtarekova

Dating Scammers – “Elena Pushtarekova” aka”Svetlana Reshkina”

Scammer Elena Pushtarekova
“elmira” elma348 PROBABLY aka “Elena Pushtarekova” aka”Svetlana Reshkina”

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Scamming scenario : travel scam


First Name:“elmira” elma348
Location:Russia, Yoshkar-Ola
Birth Date:01-01-1978

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Letter 1
Here we go again
It looks like the artisrs are really busy lately. I added the James BOND for excitement..hehehe


Greetings JAMES BOND !!!
I was very happy to receive the letter from you. You
Seem to me very interesting person, I would like to know you better
And to continue the correspondence to you. I think, it in my the first
The letter I should tell to you more about me directly. My name is
Elmira Israilova, To me of 29 years, I attractive youth, the cheerful
woman with a beautiful figure. I Alive in Russian city Ioskar-Ola, in
coast beautiful River Kokshaga, it Is in 850km from Moscow, it is a
small country town. I work as The manager in computer firm, I love my
work. I live, because I have lost parents several years ago, they have
been lost in automobile refusal. I – at a leisure, borrowed on sports
meets, meet in the certain aerobics, I go To campaigns, sometimes at
theatre or I – simple Walk, like To listen To music and to read
through books. I love all which does my life Interesting. I search for
a kind, love, reliable for the person. It There should be a clever,
interesting interlocutor, with Love to To children. Age, color of
hair, a figure not so it is important For me, the most important – its
character And the good relation to I. rob, I hope, that it has given
you small representation about me and It interested you. rob, I would
like to receive very much Particularies on you, on your life, describe
in more detail Employment and the purposes in a life… All this will
inform, it you for the person. I send you a picture, I hope to you, it
is pleasant. Well, I finish my letter, and I shall expect your answer!
Have the big day! Also answer the letter soon!!! Expectation of your
answer, Yours faithfully, Elmira!


Many thanks for your good letter, I was very happy to receive it. Your
letter has decorated my day my day, and I feel well very much.

JAMES BOND, you allow me to inform you, that the good person with interesting
experience of a life.
I think, that I can tell to you too much from interesting.

I would like, also you knew it about me more, I wish to open before
I shall try to tell to you in detail:
I support a figure in a high level, and me to like to be borrowed on
sports meets, meets. At a leisure I go to a hall of aerobics 3 times in
Week, and in free days 2 times in a swimming pool. I receive from it
pleasure and loading of forces and revival.
To free days try to lead the active image, and I have some rest: I
watch TV, or I read the book sometimes
Listen to music. I such, the same as all: I love a life, I love walks
on fresh air, I like to receive and love to
Give gifts, like to go with friends to go to cinema and on dances, in
museums and at exhibitions, to like to study
Which, in what, like to work, I do not love lie and a deceit, violence
and laziness. I kind and gentle, sensitive
And cautious, understanding and sympathizing. I love fair, and I open
people, tactful and made. I do not love those
Who plays double game. I live in an apartment with rooms one, sometimes
to me there there there arrives my sister. I watch TV, but
In very rare last time, I am tired, and I have no forces and time with
this purpose. I like to look historical film or old
The Russian film – is more. I love everything, that does my interesting
Now I wish to find second half what to create strong family, I – very
lonely, I wish to meet very good person, that the special person to whom
I could present all my love!!!
And now it is interesting to study to me you better. Similarly to to I
have told to you, are expanded about me directly
It could, I to hope, you soon will write, I shall wait. Write, that to
you did not love, or opposite to it was
Pleasant, I simply spoke you, that it, I think also, that I feel it.
I once again wish to repeat, you are very interesting to me, also I
study with the great pleasure you
Better and I very much would like, which our attitudes developed in
good management.
rob , you can tell to me to all about you directly, it is very
interesting to me, to speak about plans, that you think
From me and about the future?
Well, I finish my letter now. Have the big day! I expect your answer
With the best regards, Elmira!!!


Greetings JAMES BOND!!!
Thank you very much for your letter. It was very
pleasant to receive for me it. Thanks what to speak me it is more
about you. It was very interesting to read. I would like to know you
much better in sew the future correspondence. JAMES BOND I do not understand
why my picture dissappeared from, I shall necessarily
contact these a site and I shall understand with it. Now I would like
to tell to you more about me. I am very joyful person, and I like to
try something new, thus I have various interests. I like to listen to
music, various kinds, from classical up to popular and a rock music.
It depends on my mood. If I would like to relax, I listen Mozart,
Chaikovskii, Bethoven. By “ the Lunar sonata ” Bethoven – my
You ever heard about it ? I like to dance much, it is one of my
favourite things to make. I have made dance within a year which was
greater. Now I do aerobics. In general, I can tell, that I like to be
in the form of, I go to gymnastics, to hold my figure thin. You love
sports meets, rob? I also like to hold my house convenient, it is
important for me. Other important thing in my life – the
communications. I like to make friends, to learn new people, to speak
with them, I like to spend time with my friends. We like to be
outside, to spend time by the nature. I love the nature and it is a
lot of animals. It calms me and to force me to think of the most
important things in a life. You know,I would like to find
serious, fair, caring and the decent person, I could divide my life
and to create the strong family, based on kindness, love,
understanding and tendernesses. But in my opinion, the most important
thing for me – love, I think, that two persons cannot create family
without that big feeling. I want, that my future husband loved me and
cared of me. And I shall make the same for it back. I have greater
love and tenderness in my heart, but there is no person about me, I
can give it. I would like to find that the special person and to be
happy it together. How each normal woman I would like to love and
favourite. Well, I finish my letter now, and I with impatience shall
wait for your following letter very impatiently! Successful day!!! Do
not forget to smile 🙂 Your friend Elmira!!!!!!


Greetings JAMES BOND!!!
What’s up? How – all? I hope, that you do fine there,
well here. Everything is all right, except for the fact, that I grieve
without you and your letters very much :), you know,I think much
of you and when I write the letter to you, it seems to me, that I
speak, you as you – about me, not while, and it forces me to feel
well. I never were to Florida, I am assured, that it is very
beautiful city, there can be I shall visit this city. I would like to tell to you more about me and my life now. I
always was interested in foreign languages. I have studied English
language as to me there were 7 years. I had the remarkable teacher, it
knew how to make its students the interested subjects, we were in the
habit to play various games which was the big entertainment. I can
tell, that I was the best student in a class :), I very much loved
English language, and I have solved researches on norms of deep
studying of English language. It seems to me, that now my English
language is good enough:), What you think? How to you my English
language? It – how I know English language by the way 🙂 I think, that
it – needs today to be spoken about me, I would like to know more
about you, your internal part. You know, I have a question for
you. What fine attitudes for you? As to me I would like to find, that
the special person, the person who is going to understand me in
everything, the one who is not going to deceive me or to not injure me
never. I think, that trust – very important thing in attitudes. I
think, that if two persons do not trust each other, nothing is
possible only for one simple reason, they will not open their heart to
each other, their attitudes on 100 % will not be happy. I do not know,
whether the rights I, but it is my opinion. I think, that fine
attitudes – when two persons trust each other completely and do not
operate the friend the friend, you know, how it happens sometimes when
one partners always wish to check up that another does. I would like
to have attitudes when both have full freedom to make something, that
they want, but both of them only wish to be the friend about the
friend, they do not want anything more, they do not require someone. I
think, that it will name love. When two persons – together all time
and if they are separated within an hour, it seems to them as, they
did not see each other the whole eternity. You know what I mean,?
I hope, that you do. 🙂 Well, I finish my letter, and I with
impatience shall look forward to hearing from you! Successful day!
Also answer the letter soon!!! Impatient expectation of your answer,
Yours faithfully, Elmira!!!!



Many thanks for your sweet letter, I was very happy to receive it.
It has forced me to feel very good, and you know, I receive this
feeling, each time I open my mail box and I find the letter from you. So big
to know, that there is a person in this world who thinks of you and to
worry about you, with what you can speak about something.
It is really pleasant to me to correspond with you and to learn a lot
of interesting.
I already told to you where I live, I once again repeat – I alive
in Russian city Ioskar-Ola, in coast beautiful River Kokshaga, it
Is in 850km from Moscow, it is a small country town. I work as
The manager in computer firm, I love my work.
I see, that I can speak with you easily, you the one who forces me
to wish to know All of you more is interesting to me. I would like to
know your soul, I would like to know all about you. I see, that you do
not play with me or comic around, same from our ideas same, our values –
are very close, and we search for the same things. I see, that I can
establish emotional communication with you, I can speak with you on any
theme, it is very easy for me, such feeling, that I know you during long
I seriously concern to that we write to each other and it is
interesting to me very much.
. Every day you surprise me with the letters I. I still never heard
anything similarly to.
I feel, that from you there are fine warm feelings,
To me it is pleasant very much.
WELL, I finish my letter now, and I hope, that you have the big
I think of you, and I am really happy, that we have met! This idea
forces me to smile:)
The hope to receive news from you is fast!
With embraces,
Sincerely, Elmira!!!


Hi my dear JAMES BOND!!!
Forgive me that I yesterday have not written the letter to you, I very
badly felt myself, I have been a little chilled, I had a heat, today to
me I letter am better also could write to you, I have got used. As
there was you weekend, than you were engaged, because of illness I weigh
Weekend has lead houses.
Many thanks for your letter. It decorates my day! I hope, that you have
the same feeling when you receive mine. And certainly, I enjoy our
correspondence, and I am serious. Thanks, being fair with me and from my
party, I can speak, that I shall be fair with you also. I think, that we
should try to inform each other so much, how many we can.
You know, rob, I should inform you something. I never thought before,
that who is possible to find very good
The friend, – that special by means of the Internet. But now I can
speak, that it happens with me, I have met
You, and it seems to me, is similar, I know you during long time even,
that we have exchanged only a few letters.
Now I think, that there is a person in the world who understands me,
mine a position of a life whose dreams and
Intentions – are close to mine. You should know, that you are dear to
my heart, I am always ready to listen,
Understand and try to help you if you demand it.
You can ask me any questions which you want. I think, that it is very
important for attitudes if both from partners want that attitudes grew.
I wish to find out you better, your position of a life.
What do you think of me as about the woman? It is interesting to me
very much.
I would like to know you better from an internal part, because you
seem very interesting to me so I have a question on you: you estimate
What qualities in people most? In my opinion, honesty, fidelity,
kindness, sincere and understanding it is very important in people. I think,
that in you there are many positive qualities
please, informs me more on you. What your purposes and dreams?
What do you search? And what – your intentions? It will be very
interesting to me, that the nobility. If it – not difficultly, please, answer
these questions on me. Also do not hesitate to ask me something, I shall
answer you with the great pleasure.
Well, I finish my letter now, and I wish, that you had the big day!!!
Remember, that there is a girl in this world who thinks of you and
smiles for you:)
I shall expect your letter!!!!
Sincerely, Elmira!!!!

SEVENTH LETTER (the first without picture)


I’m fine, how you???? I am very glad to receive your letter, your
letters always bring to me good mood.
You know, honey when I look outside of my window now when I write to
you this letter, I feel, how much I grieve without you, and I require
you. You know, you have, has taken very big place in my life and in
my soul, I think of All of you time regardless of the fact that I do and
where I. You are always on my opinion. I even see you in my dreams 🙂

Before I have met you, I never thought, that such big feeling of
care and tenderness could appear in my soul and heart but when I have
started to speak with you, I felt from the very beginning, that there is
something special in our correspondence, something, that has forced me
to write to you letters every day. And the sight now which I cannot be
without it ;), It is that you have made to me 🙂

I do not know what to tell to you, a candy because all I can think, –
YOU, and our meeting. I am valid with impatience I wait for it, and
I am assured, that my eyes will tell to you more than words. I cannot
find, that correct speak you as I feel and that you mean for me.

Well, I finish my letter now, and I with impatience shall look forward
to hearing from you, my dear!!!

With all my offer embraces also kisses,
Yours Elmira!!

EIGHT LETTER (again no picture)

Hi my sunshine 🙂
Many thanks for your sweet letter, I was very happy to receive it.
It has forced me to feel very good, and you know, I am always happy to
open the mail box and to find the letter from you.
In my city now very bad weather, in the street coldly and it is
raining, now at us the spring, but temperature of air is no more +10
degrees. I never went to other country, I was in other cities of Russia,
on in other country I never was.I see in you the person on whom it is possible to rely, you very
good interlocutor, I think, that you very good friend. I see, that you
do not play with me, I am assured, that at us the same purposes of a
life, I am happy that we have met.
I like to read your letters very much, you always answer all my
questions in details, I feel your interest and the warm attitude to me. And I
also feel, that you have a plenty of qualities, I would like to see in
my future assistant to soul. I want, that it was decent and direct
first of all, and I think, that you – this way. I love it, you straight
lines and are fair with me,I think, that it is very good quailities
your character, you care, you always care that you write to me, you try
to not offend me. I am very happy, it is very pleasant for me, I feel,
that you open your soul to me, and I do the same thing for you. It is
the big feeling. I am very raised about it, but I also am afraid a
little. I have never tested something similarly to it.
I finish my letter, and I shall expect your following letter, Do
not forget, that I think of you, and I hope, that all only will be fine
between us in the future!
Expectation of your answer!!!
With the best regards and warm embraces,



Hi my sunshine 🙂


Many thanks for your sweet letter, I was very happy to receive it. It has forced me to feel very good, and you know, I am always happy to open the mail box and to find the letter from you.
You are more than welcome my Dear
In my city now very bad weather, in the street coldly and it is raining, now at us the spring, but temperature of air is no more +10 degrees.

&&& That is a nasty weather, I do not like cold weather. But here Winters are quite long(5 months) I just got warm this week suddenly. I like when it is warm
That is why I like of the southern states in the USA &&&

I never went to other country, I was in other cities of Russia, on in other country I never was.

&&& I think tha Russia is a very diverse country. It has a variety of people and it went through some horrible times … before, but hopefully the situation will change.&&&

I see in you the person on whom it is possible to rely, you very good interlocutor, I think, that you very good friend. I see, that you do not play with me, I am assured, that at us the same purposes of a life, I am happy that we have met.

&&&& Why should I play with you? I do not have any bad intentions towards you. Do you know why? Because I learned in my life that whatever I do to others i WILL COME BACK TO ME….sooner or later. If not in this life time than in the next one..until I will learn my lessons on this planet.
I like your letters also. &&&&

I like to read your letters very much, you always answer all my questions in details, I feel your interest and the warm attitude to me.

&&& Why should I harm you in any way , I have no reason to do any thing bad to you.&&&

And I also feel, that you have a plenty of qualities, I would like to see in my future assistant to soul. I want, that it was decent and direct first of all, and I think, that you – this way. I love it, you straight lines and are fair with me I think, that it is very good quailities your character, you care, you always care that you write to me, you try to not offend me.

&&& I do not think that there is anything extraordinary in my character and in my soul. You see my dear every soul is different , althought they ALL come from the same source=GOD. Therefore if you do harm to anybody it is like you are harming GOD himself…and you do not want to do that…DO You? &&&

I am very happy, it is very pleasant for me, I feel, that you open your soul to me, and I do the same thing for you. It is the big feeling. I am very raised about it, but I also am afraid a little.

&&& Well we all experience things differently in life..that is a learning path we all take individually… What is there to be afraid of? If we do everything correctly this time ? &&&

I have never tested something similarly to it.

&&& I understand that. Probably you have received and sent many letters during your lovely lifetime and there were different outcomes..or maybe similar ones. &&&

&&& All I can say now that I am hoping that this time It will be a good outcome especially for you .
REMEMBER if you do THINGS CORRECTLY THIS TIME it can competely change your life FOREVER.
It is up to you ………&&&&

I finish my letter, and I shall expect your following letter. Do not forget, that I think of you, and I hope, that all only will be fine between us in the future!
Expectation of your answer!!!

&&& I wish you all the best and I bless your day &&&

With the best regards and warm embraces,

Here we go folks. I was really hoping she WAS NOT A FAKE, But it looks like I WAS WRONG.

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