Uwe Hubertus Knoedlseder
Scams target people оf аll backgrounds, ages аnd income levels асrоѕѕ а world. Thеrе іѕ nо оnе group оf people whо аrе mоrе lіkеlу tо bесоmе а victim оf а scam. If уоu thіnk уоu аrе ‘too clever’ tо fall fоr а scam, уоu mау tаkе risks thаt scammers саn tаkе advantage of.
Firstly, a scam lооkѕ lіkе thе real thing. It appears tо meet уоur nееd оr desire. Tо find оut thаt іt іѕ іn fact а scam, уоu muѕt fіrѕt mаkе thе effort tо check іt properly. Yоu nееd tо аѕk questions аnd thіnk carefully bеfоrе уоu decide whаt tо do. Bеіng aware оf thе dangerous myths bеlоw wіll hеlр уоu wіth this. Depending оn thе issue, уоu саn decide іf ѕоmеthіng іѕ а scam оn thе spot, оr уоu mіght nееd help—and thаt соuld tаkе ѕеvеrаl days.
Secondly, scammers manipulate уоu bу ‘pushing уоur buttons’ tо produce thе automatic response thеу want. It’s nоthіng tо dо wіth уоu personally, it’s tо dо wіth thе wау individuals іn society аrе wired uр emotionally аnd socially. It’s bесаuѕе thе response іѕ automatic thаt people fall fоr thе scam. Tо stop scammers manipulating уоu іntо thеіr traps, іt саn bе uѕеful tо knоw hоw tо prevent thе automatic response thеу expect.
If уоu can, block thе SCAMMER. Yоu wіll live muсh safer wіth that. Report Scammer Here
If уоu nееd furthеr help, gеt іn touch.
Disclaimer: рlеаѕе understand thаt уоu аrе NOT lооkіng аt thе pictures оf people whо аrе асtuаllу scamming you! Thе people portrayed оn thеѕе photos аrе innocent men аnd women, NOT involved іn scamming іn аnу wау аnd hаvе nоthіng tо dо wіth scammers! Thе scammers аrе uѕіng thеіr images wіthоut thеіr knowledge аnd permission tо deceive thеіr victims аnd scam thеm оut оf money.
also know as:
Aaron Baggese, Abdul Mutaal, Abel Young, Abisheck Gogo, Abraham Cameron, Abramo Lucio, Adam Jimmy, Adams Joel, Adams Jordan, Adams Morr, Adrian Weldon, Agbinku Jerry, Agyie Peter, Aiden Meyer, Alain Cornet, Albert Ashley, Albert Evans, Albert Friedrich Meyer, Albert Jones, Albert Setimi, Albert Tony, Alberto Campagna, Alex Donald, Alex Peter, Alex Pirlo, Alex Robbin, Alex Rose, Alex Walthers, Alexander Mills, Alexander Moris, Alexander Walther, Alexander Wayne, Alexander Xavi, Alf Reinhold, Alfred David, Alfred Drah, Alfred Rodney, Alice Lander, Alick Bastian, Allen Marley, Alunso Kahn, Alvin Gray, Alvin Marten, Alvin Robbin Morgan, Ammin Charles, Amos Brain, Amos Lionel, Ander Vilfrid, Anderson Caldwell, Anderson Harrison, Anderson Joe, Andre Jacobson Jr., Andre Wevers, Andrea Nocerinorossi, Andres Matines, Andrew Carroll, Andrew Doctor, Andrew Fisher, Andrew Jeffrey, Andrew Layman, Andrew Peterson, Andrew Rooney, Andrew Tilman, Andrews Smith, Andy Carry, Anthony Anang, Anthony Andrea, Anthony Boyce, Anthony Cirillo, Anthony Denice Jr., Anthony Gurera, Anthony Miller, Anthony Riceford, Anthony Shaffer, Anthony Stowe, Anthony Walt, Antonie Ben, Antonio Gilardino, Antonio Lorenzo, Antony Gurera, Apostle Richard, Arnold Crake, Arnold Hein, Arnold Jones, Arnold Kurt, Artiz Moore, Ashley Albert, Atwood Corwin, Augustine Erdmuth, Aurelien Sebastien, Austin Fergus, Austin William, Azin Emery, Balllack Ozil, Banson Billy, Barry Cole, Barry David, Barry Dickson, Barry Mchenny, Barry Oseni, Barry Scott, Basha Basim, Basil Ehis Henry, Ben Pend, Benard Gibson, Benjamin Almeric Rich, Benjamin Ashton, Benjamin Clinton, Benjamin Gregory, Benjamin Martinez, Benjamin Miller, Benjamin Rich Almeric, Benny Carlsen, Bernard Carson, Bernard Duvale, Bernard James, Bernard Levier, Berry Ken, Bert Heri, Bethhillson Collins, Bill Miller, Bill Rich, Bill Richards, Billy Murpy, Billy Walker, Bob Parker, Boby Wyatt, Bodo Loop, Bougorton Ashley Samuel, Brad Junior, Bradley Thomas, Bradley Walker, Bred Anderson Akin, Bred Anderson, Brewood James, Brian Donaldson, Brian Peters, Brian Wilson, Brian Wolf, Bright Anderson, Bright Benson, Brown Mark, Brown Shuga, Brown Williams, Brownson Allen, Bruce Clingan, Bruce Jarvis, Bruce Marc, Bruce Mark, Bruce Marston, Bruce Owen, Bryan Morgan Brendan, Bryan Reitzel, Bryan Stamm, Bryan Wallace, Bryon Williams, Bryson Dave, Bush Freeman, Caleb Dufe, Calvin B. Jones, Calvin Bloch Jones, Calvin Gerard, Calvin Heather, Canas Nelson, Capt. David Walter, Carex Angel, Carl Johnson, Carlos Pagalavan, Cars Bern, Carson Bernard, Carson Kane, Cary Baker, Chales Hannett, Charles Ammin, Charles Barron Albums, Charles Barron, Charles Bush, Charles Emmanuel Lemaire, Charles Miller, Charles Morrison, Charlie Macy Jr., Chelti Pierce, Cherry Hills, Chevy De Greedy, Chris Brewster, Chris Cy Wahl, Chris Martins, Chris Mike, Chris Murray, Chris Riggott, Chris Smith, Chris Tyler, Chris Wahl, Christ Daniel, Christian Covin, Christian Mason, Christopher Baro, Christopher Brooklyn, Christopher Forson Welbeck, Christopher George, Christopher Smith, Clark Johnson, Clarkson Jones, Clement Reuben, Clint Cason, Clinton Judge, Cole Lawson, Coles Rowland, Colin Shands, Collins David, Collins Maxwell, Collion Scouty, Commirza Hassan, Connell Steve, Corral Amsel, Craig Alberto, Cris Robert, Crist Daniel, Crouch Anderson, Cyril Kenneth, Damon Scott, Dan Johnson, Dan Kolenda, Dan Olson, Dan Will, Daniel Clint Cason, Daniel Coffman, Daniel Corner, Daniel D. Carper, Daniel Hilt, Daniel Hilten, Daniel Newman, Daniel Pederson, Danny Anderson, Dante Lucci, Darrell Paul, Date Forever, Dave Clark, Dave Morris, Dave Richards, Dave Smith, Dave Terry, David Banks, David Bartolini, David Brown, David Edward, David Elly Lambert, David Fenn, David Fife, David Fredrick, David Fredrickson, David Gate, David Geoffroy, David Gessr, David Hogg, David John, David Johnson, David Jones, David Kendrick, David Larry, David Madison, David Malvin, David Mark, David Martin, David Mcdurf, David Mick, David Milke, David Miller, David Prosper, David Richards, David Scot, David Scoth, David Thompson, David Vill, David Walter, David Waters, David Wesly, David William, David Williams, David Zango, Davids David, Davidson Brown, Davidson Carter, Davidson Mark, Davis Copson, Davis Karl, Dean Leroy, Dennis Abbot, Denny Jack, Derrick George, Derrick Scoty, Desmond Collins, Desmond Cool, Desmond Wardford, Desmond Williams, Diemer Corjan, Dink Smith, Donald Duff, Donald Edmond, Donald Lordygan, Donald Morgan, Donald Taylor,Donald Terry, Dr. Albert Friedrich Meyer, Dr. Azin Emery, Dr. Carlos Pagalavan, Dr. Larry Michael, Duncan Will, Eddie Brewer, Eden Bruma, Edmund Yankey, Edward Otter, Edward Radcliff, Elliot Douglas, Elvin Ivarsson, Ema Wesley, Emil Helgason, Engr. Andrew Williams, Engr. Bright Benson, Enoch Willson, Eric Henk, Eric Johnson, Eric Miller, Eric Paris, Eric Smith, Erik Colins, Erik Goldberg, Eugene Jowells, Evang Roger Michael, Evans Anderson, Ewere Nelson, Ezekiel Wilson, Fabio Trabucchi, Fdghte Hdger, Felix Brennan, Fernandez Bruno, Ford Woo, Foster Nelson, Francis Adam, Francis Joe, Francis Koni, Franck Liossec, Francois Beltran, Francois Durand, Francois Duvalier, Francois Martel, Frank Anderson, Frank Andrews, Frank Berry, Frank Brown, Frank Carlo, Frank Chandler, Frank D. Walker, Frank Edward, Frank Finlay, Frank Kay, Frank Larry, Frank Larsson, Frank Lawson, Frank Lehman, Frank M. Goodman, Frank Martins, Frank Mason, Frank Morgan, Frank Motors, Frank Murphy, Frank Richardson, Frank Smith, Frank Stein, Frank Terry, Frank Uwe Hubertus, Frank White, Frank Williams, Frank Willson, Frank Young, Franklin Edward, Fred Anderson, Fred Bagwell, Fred Coombs, Fred Luis, Fred Maker, Fred Paul, Freddie Kinve, Frederick Andy, Frederick Fisherman, Frederick Thomas, Fredrick David, Fredrick Lawson, Frew William, Gabriel Luis, Gabriel Young Wilson, Gail Davenport, Gareth George, Garret Wilson, Garry Bill, Garry Colins, Garry Curtis, Garry Javornik, Garry Miller, Gartlin Larry, Gary Adler, Gary Jason, Gary Miller, Gary Rough, Gbenga Isola Afolami, Gen. David Miller, Gen. Keith Alexander, Gen. Raymond E. Johns, George Amando Elia, George Bright, George Carrera, George Cole, George Daniel, George David Hogg, George Melvin, George Perry, George Walter, George Williams, Gerald Jenkins, Gèrard Dèhler, Gerard Pierre Andre Laquay, Gerard Silvester, Gerard Vaslin, Gerrad Cole, Gerry Harvey, Gilbert Peters, Glen Regan, Glenn Hudson, Goerge Fowler, Graham Donovan, Grant Carter, Gray Allen, Grayham Kenny, Greg Hickman, Greg Milan, Greg Morris, Greg Shelmers, Greg Wales, Greg Whyte, Griffiths Owen, Gulick Jose, Guy Maurice, Guyeric Delord, Hallway Clive, Harris Meyman, Harris Thompson, Harrison Smith, Harrold Scholtze, Harry Ballings, Harry Green, Harry Johnson, Harry Mcknight, Harry Smith, Hegsrb Nvjfjkdd, Hendrik Robin, Henkel Jim, Henley Patrick, Henric Holmger, Henry Benjami, Henry Bieck, Henry Douglass, Henry Perry, Henry Smith, Herve Pique, Hillary Brown, Hillary Jones, Howard James, Hubertus Krautheimer, Huffman Brickfields, Isaac Ringel, Ivory Peterson, Iyere Augustus Okhiria, Jack Anderson Smith, Jack Benn, Jack Brooklyn, Jack Daniels, Jack Haword, Jack Leslie, Jack Pederson, Jack Peritons, Jack Redd, Jack Robert, Jack Stuart, Jack Williams, Jackson Donald, Jackson Eric, Jackson Peski, Jackson Walter, Jake Matthew, Jake Robert, Jake Wilson, James Adrian Bernard, James Alexander, James Alvise, James Brewood, James Brown, James Cardwell, James Cole, James Donald, James Ford, James Garry, James Graham, James Harris, James Holland, James Markus Heath, James Mitchel, James Moor, James Moore, James Morgan, James Navas, James Nitwill Carl, James Rubin, James Shoemaker, James Slater, James Smith, James Terry, James Timothy, James Walter, James Walters, James Watts, James Wescot, James Will Moore, James Wysner, Jarry Hagam, Jason Smith, Jay Brown, Jean Christophe Pitois, Jean Claude Lamarre, Jean Elias, Jean Francois Dubois, Jean Luc Delapache, Jean Marc Plateau, Jean Marie Bouffet, Jeff Clooney, Jeff Malcony, Jeffern Hernandez, Jeffery Meade, Jeffery Smile, Jeffery Smith, Jeff
ren Hernandez, Jeffrey Andrew Niebel, Jeffrey Daniels, Jeffrey Johnsson, Jeffrey Martins, Jeffrey Murphy, Jeffrey Stewart, Jeph Dickon, Jerry Greg, Jerry Mark, Jerry Sparks, Jerry Williams, Jim Brookes, Jimmy Mattson, Jimmy Smith, Joe Bernstein, Joe Briggs, Joe Roger, John Alfonso, John Barker, John Benka, John Brayshaw, John Bruce, John Copra, John Dzebu, John Fredrick, John Kenn, John Lapman, John Lucas Smith, John Mark, John Mason, John Max, John Miller, John Paed, John Parson, John Perdomenico, John Porter, John Ray Peterson, John Sean Doliva, John Smith, John Staven, John Stephen, John Wilson, Johnson Alvil, Johnson Bills, Johnson Brown, Johnson Chance, Johnson Mike, Johnson Paul, Johnson Smith, Johnson William, Johnson Wilson, Johnson Wyatt, Johnwalker Mick, Jon Milano, Jonas Brooke, Jonathan Graves, Jonathan Kowalski, Jones Rochas, Jones Smith, Jones Wallace, Jones Wendle, Joseph Carr, Joseph Mcmillion, Joseph Sagar, Josh Adam, Joshua Mills, Joy White, Juan Carlos, Justin Walker, Kahn Alunso, Kalux Micheal, Kelly Rolland, Kelsh Willson, Kelv Corey, Kelvin Branson, Kelvin Brogan, Kelvin Clark, Kelvin Davi White Vanhala, Kelvin Donald, Kelvin Malone, Kelvin Mills, Kelvin More, Kelvin Morgan, Kelvin Ray, Kelvin Richard, Kelvin Robert, Kelvin Smith, Kelvin Sullivan, Kelvin Walker, Kelvin White, Ken Adams, Ken Baldwin, Ken Morghan, Ken Robert, Kennedy Smith, Kenneth Adams, Kenneth Bond, Kenneth Boston, Kenneth Carter, Kenneth Haygan, Kenneth Hickman, Kenneth Macathy, Kenny Roge, Kent Blaze, Kent Frank, Kerry Rogers, Kevin Gary, Kevin Ramon, Kevin Wadsworth, Kevin Welch, Kind Man, Kirk Chris Moq, Kirk Morgan, Kirk-Chris Moq, Kirlninghton Cage, Klaus Bachmeier, Klein Bauer, Kolenda Daniel, Kristoffer Kramer, Krzysztof Adamski, Kwame Cole, Kyle Williams, Lalm Martin, Lance Muller, Larry Bill, Larry Carson, Larry Dave, Larry Frank, Larry Gartlin, Larry Holmes, Larry Jude, Larry Kingston, Larry Michael Azinemery, Larry Mike, Larry Morgan, Larry Moss, Larry Robort, Larry Sintadio, Laurent Legrand, Lawrence F. Mark, Lawrence Morgan, Lawrence P. Mark, Lawrence Scott, Lawson Jerry, Lenon Smith, Leonard Adams, Leonard Moore, Linquist Brian, Loic Gauthiers, Lori Artiz, Louis Fernando, Louis Martins, Lt. Morgan Stone, Lucas Dario, Lucas Muff, Lucas Wilfred, Lucas Wilfred, Luis Ciro, Luis English, Luis Russell, Lynn Rothwell, MacAnthony Malcolm Kosh, MacAnthony Moloney, Maddy Simon, Maj. Gen. John Thompson, Marc Dupere, Marcel Lefevre, Marcel Wanders, Marco Borini, Marcus Donald, Mario Barazza, Mark Anderson, Mark Bills, Mark Bruce Johnson, Mark Bruce, Mark Chris, Mark Davidson, Mark Donald, Mark Henry, Mark Kelvin, Mark Lewis, Mark Lowis, Mark Max Jesse, Mark Melendez, Mark More, Mark Morrison, Mark Muller Mark, Mark Muller, Mark Nelson, Mark Owen, Mark Stein, Mark Straus, Mark Taylor, Mark Volker, Mark Walker, Mark Walters, Mark Williams, Mark Wilson, Mark Wolf, Markus Hardwin, Martin Benton, Martin Crowley, Martin Lalm, Martin Lynn, Martin Nolan, Martin Wilcox, Martins Anthony, Martins Clark, Martins George, Martinz Andrea, Marvin Strom, Mason Christian, Mathew Oliver, Matins George, Matt Craughwell, Matthew David, Maurice Guerin, Max Davis, Maxwell Dansu, Maxwell Gordon, Maxwell Greg, Maxwell Guadiola, Maxwell Hill, Maxwell Justice Ludwig, Maxwell Patrick Adams, Maxwell Paul, Maxwell Scott, Mc Donald Stinson, McDurf Jeffery Kent, Michael Andrew, Michael Brown, Michael Dawson, Michael Diesel, Michael Fox, Michael George, Michael Hasford, Michael Johnson, Michael Langsfield, Michael Lawrence, Michael Moore, Michael Newton, Michael Pratt, Michael Roger, Michael Scott, Michael Smith, Michael Tomson, Michael Williams, Michael Wilson, Micheal Bob, Micheal Collins, Micheal Godson, Micheal Pittman, Micheal Scott, Micheal Smith, Micheal Tadross, Micheal Wysner, Micheal Young, Michel Chollet, Michel Verger, Michelle Richardson, Mike Collins Cowell, Mike Larson, Mike Novick, Mike Room, Miles Griffin, Milford Koomson, Milke Gessr, Miller Micheal, Milton Grant, Mj Coole, Mohsenali Nassaralkraiti, Morgan Davidson, Morgan Dawson, Morgan Hill, Morgan Laurence, Morgan Mansson, Morgan Stone, Morghan Lingo, Morris Morgan, Mubarik Danyagri, Mullings Walker, Murphy Sands, Murphy Sweeney, My Flavour Magraglo, Napoleon Jerry, Nathan Parker, Neal Prescott, Nel Smith, Nelson Bright, Nelson Frank, Nelson Hamid James, Nelson Scott, Nelson Smith, Nicholas Carter, Nicholas Scott, Nicholas Taylor, Nick Eastwood, Nicolas Paris, Nino Brown, Olivier Auchet, Osa Capito, Oscar Allan, Oscar James, Owen Mason, Parker Brown, Parry Kelvin, Pat Coke, Patick Scott, Patrick Adams, Patrick George, Patrick Mark, Patrick Mendez, Patrick Milstone Kathzadze, Patrick Scott, Patrick Welson, Patrick Wexler, Patty Mikel, Paul Briggs, Paul Grants, Paul Herbert, Paul John Knight, Paul Knapp, Paul Osei, Paul Philips, Pells Michael, Pen Scott, Perry Alonso, Perry Oliver, Perry Price, Perry Smith, Perry Wills, Perry Wood, Peter Bayer, Peter Bestman, Peter Davis, Peter Loch, Peter Mayers, Peter Morrison, Peter Schiff, Peter Wyatt, Peterson Kelly, Petrus Nicholas, Philip Bosco, Philip Brooks, Philip Morgan, Philip Wood, Philippe Laponge, Phillip Andrea, Phillips Parker, Pierre Bernard Jean, Pierre Carena, Pierre Emmanuel, Poley Pogan, Presley Adams, Presley Brown, Prince Jerry John, Prince Smith, Privat Charvier, Ralph Hoestra, Ralph Nicholas Benjamin, Ralph Williams, Ramon Smith, Ramos Hills, Randy Morgan, Raul Pino, Ray Marshall, Raymond Clay, Raymond Lawhorn, Raymond Nicholas, Raymond Smith, Raymond Williams, Raymond Willson, Reginald Rosenthal, Renel Smith, Rex Morgan, Rexford Allotey Neuton, Rexford Beardsley, Richard Atteli, Richard Benson, Richard Big, Richard Dominic Apostle, Richard Donovan, Richard Eveleigh, Richard Gray, Richard Johnson, Richard Kloveng, Richard Lawson, Richard Myler, Richard Odoom, Richard Owen, Richard Rawlings, Richard Scott, Richard Simon, Richard Smith, Richard Williem, Richard Wolf, Richman Bill, Richmond Duga, Richmond Hays, Richmond Hillson, Richmond Menez, Richmond Smith, Richmond Wood, Richy Stewart, Rick Milton, Ricky Troy, Robert Andrew, Robert B. Clark, Robert Bryan, Robert Douglas, Robert Downing, Robert Eric, Robert Hansen, Robert Hook, Robert Johnson, Robert Mark, Robert Peter Britt, Robert Steffensen, Robert Wally, Robin Cooper, Rochford Harry, Rockson Herry, Rodney Kyle, Rodney Paris, Rodney Stewart, Rodney Torres, Roger Jones, Roger Kane, Roger Kings, Roger Michael, Roger Roland, Roland Parker, Roland Smith, Roland Walter, Roland Wyatt, Ronardson Kelly, Roy Morrison, Rudney Snipes, Rudolf Smith, Rufus Moris, Russe Andrew, Russel Ford, Russo Camillo, Ryan Baker, Rymond Mongan, Sam Jossey, Sam Mac, Sam Maclair, Sam Myjoe, Sam Ronald, Samson Bill, Samuel Johnson, Samuel Mc Carthy, Sandra Ann, Scot Sean, Scott Brent, Scott Daves, Scott Davids, Scott Larry, Scott Leonard, Scott Nigel, Scott Pen, Scott Shire, Scott Smith, Scott Stronghill, Seni Wilfred, Serge Duval, Sgt. Daniel George, Shean Walk, Silver Spencer, Simon Graham, Smith Adams, Smith Bobby, Smith Brownton, Smith Johnson, Smith Mark, Solan Mark, Soul Mate, Spencer Richards, Stephen Frank Young, Stephen Walter, Steve Adams, Steve Aderson, Steve Benson, Steve Brown, Steve Harry Hoffman, Steve Harry, Steve Johnson, Steve Milner Williams, Steve Moses, Steve Raymond, Steve Williams, Steve Willis, Steven Brass, Steven Latty, Sumaila Wright, Tande Williams, Ted Larry, Ted McNamara Larry, Teddy Albert, Tenny Davids, Terry Blay, Terry Don, Terry Donald, Thade Eric Adolf, Thim Wilson, Thom Wilson, Thomas Akuffo, Thomas Bruch, Thomas Hannett, Thomas Jeremy, Thomas Mends, Thomas Murphy, Thomas Ray Bruch, Thomas Sawaris, Thomas Witt, Thorsen Thomas, Tim Clowson, Tim Howard, Tim Peter Parker, Timothy Bryan Parker, Timothy Patterson, Timothy Schmidt, Toby Lyward, Tom Colin, Tom Harris, Tom Markson, Tom Ray, Tom Raymond, Tomson Willy, Toni Punacchi, Toni Williams, Tony Clare, Tony Cucolo, Tony Pedro, Tony S. Miller, Tony Walker, Tony Woody, Tristen Cole, Uwe Hubertus, Uwe Knoedlseder, Van Johnson, Van Moore, Vencill Robbort, Venus White, Victor Lasse, Victoria Asare, Vince Holmes, Vincent Owen, Vincent Patterson,
Wally Robert, Warren Davidson, Waters Carl, Wayne Gibson, Wayne Raisser, Wayne Richards, Wesley Clinton, Wesley James, Wilbert Steve Randall, Willam Pritchett, Willams Ben, William Goldberg, William Happy, William Lansley, William M. Rich, William Mark, William Pritchett, William Walls, Williams Ben, Williams Dave, Williams Howard, Williams Josh, Williams Mensah, Williams Mood, Williams Perez, Williams Rodrigeuz, Wilson Barry, Wilson Garret, Wilson John, Wilson Ryan, Wolison Nana, Wolison Nana, Woodgate Martin, Wynn Mcgowan, Young Wayen, …
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elix.brennan467@gmail.com, engwilliam.smith@ymail.com, ericjackson629@yahoo.com, f_stein40@yahoo.com, brown551@hotmail.com, flywithme14@yahoo.com, foreign@nibkghana.com, fosternelson99@yahoo.com, frank_12_1@live.com, frankwhite_13@yahoo.com, frankwilliam99@hotmail.com, frederickandy@hotmail.com, fredmaker78@yahoo.com, g_owen0@yahoo.com, g.hudson1958@yahoo.com, gail.dav@yahoo.com, gail.dav1967@yahoo.com, garrybill89@yahoo.com, garrymiller30@live.com, garydraper322@hotmail.com, garydraper322@yahoo.com, gen_ray@gmx.us, gen.richardbenson@hotmail.com, genkeithalexander@ymail.com, genraymondj@yahoo.com, georgedavvid_hogg@hotmail.com, georgemelvinn@yahoo.com, goerge_fowler@yahoo.com, grahambrown929@yahoo.com, greg.whyte@yahoo.com, greg4love111@yahoo.com, griffithsowen1@gmail.com, harriscole111@gmail.com, hbradley42@yahoo.com, henrybieck@outlook.com, hippolitoschnippe@yahoo.com, holland.james200@yahoo.com, honesthaggard@yahoo.com, i-ray729@hotmail.com, interspace31@yahoo.com, j.parson21@yahoo.com, jack_love20113@yahoo.com, jackdaniels101@ymail.com, jackperitons@ymail.com, james_holland2010@hotmail.com, james_scott0057@yahoo.com, james.graham23@yahoo.com, jamesharry68@yahoo.com, janesandy37@yahoo.com, jason_love20111@live.com, jeffery_smith1044@yahoo.com, jeffh100100@yahoo.com, jerrynelson402@yahoo.com, jerrysparks234@gmail.com, jerrysparks23456@yahoo.com, jnwilliam1@live.com, jnwilliam2@live.com, joel.richard45@yahoo.com, joel.richardson52yahoo.com, john_brayshaw@yahoo.com, john_kenn1@hotmail.com, john_kenn1@yahoo.com, john_morrison106@yahoo.com, john.mark6766@yahoo.com, john.mason443@yahoo.com, john.miller231@yahoo.com, john4ya3000@yahoo.com, johnathanericvip777@hotmail.com, johnghartey31@yahoo.com, johnperdomenico@yahoo.com, johnporter2012@outlook.com, johnson.mike505@hotmail.com, johnsonalvil@yahoo.com, johnsonbills96@yahoo.com, johnsonpaul602@yahoo.com, johnsonsamuel168@yahoo.com, johnwilson11122@yahoo.ca, jonathanericvip777@hotmail.com, 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ATTENTION! all other where write Love-Emails in his Name, are Defrauder or Impostor, and belongs to the Westafrican-Romance-Scammer – Nigeria-Connection
ATLANTA, GA (February 12, 2025) – A sophisticated, multi-layered fraud operation spanning several years and… Read More
The Digital Age Dilemma: Convenience vs. Catastrophic Risk The digital revolution has woven itself into… Read More
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a sweeping international operation, the U.S. Justice Department has unsealed charges… Read More
In an era defined by rapid technological advancement and increasingly sophisticated methods of deception, the… Read More
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued a stark warning to millions of iPhone… Read More
In a significant victory against healthcare fraud, four pharmacy owners have been sentenced to federal… Read More
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Yes,my money scammed by the false name steven Williams his email stevenwilliams759@yahoo.com ,,,I send him 2500 USD He address to onorigho romeo #22 ajagunna st.of shoga igando Lagos Nigeria,,he gave me his father acct in Wells Fargo vamurphy 215 password butterfly he said his money is 89 million dollars he can pay the money to me,
Zenith Bank Plc.
84 Ajose Street
Victoria Island
Lagos, Nigeria.
Mobil line +234-8120695218
Office +234-7019812268
This is the second time we are notifying you about this said fund. We hereby send to you the information submitted by Mr. John T. Kehoe U.S.A of California, with an application to receive your Award Payment of $10,000.000.00.on your behalf from this bank.
Please as a matter of urgency, you are required to verify the following information and inform us if you are aware or know anything about this. This morning Mr. John T. Kehoe came to the office claiming that you have instructed him to come and receive the payment on your behalf with some representatives.
I have ask them to come back tomorrow as they did not provide any power of an attorney from you which will proof that you thoroughly send them, This was to enable me contact you to verify how genuine this people are to you.
Firstly. Did you instruct one Mr. John T. Kehoe of 122 Fitch Way, Sacramento, Ca. 95864. whose information's is below, to claim and receive the payment on your behalf?
Secondly. Did you sign any 'Deed of Assignment' in his favor thereby making him the current beneficiary with the following account details:
Account Name: Mr. John T. Kehoe Group Ltd,
A/C #USD114-25567-8,
Bank Name: Bank Of America
Swift Code: SCBL 11K111.
Finally, you are hereby advised to indicate to this honorable Bank with immediate effect, if you are the person that instructed Mr. John T. Kehoe to come for the claim of your fund worth of $10,000.000.00. NOTE: your full name and telephone number is needed for communications.
We wait for your call on +234-8120695218 or email at and urgent respond to this bank so that you will be giving an immediate
Yours sincerely,
Dr.James Ovia Glory.
Head of Operations.
Zenith Bank Plc
This man is known to me as doctor Mark Lowis, Mark Lowis Lewis, Frank Lowis Lin and Frank Lowis.
Am shocked to read about him being a scammer friends since 2013.. When he started requesting me to send him money for him and his son Frank to visit me I became alert!
Thank you for watching and warning..LS
You can add another name to and profile to the list: William Johnson : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009086962710
He tried to catfish my mother, I think he told her he's a Captain in the US forces in Kabul, Afghanistan. The background picture is this: http://www.azquotes.com/public/pictures/authors/5c/d9/5cd98d27ebbb8dca522ebbb9c5925afe/548662be86afe_h_r_mcmaster.jpg and belongs to Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond McMaster
He is known to me as Captain Marcus a.lucas.wanted money to pay trip for his son.then to pay for his retirement papers was angry with me when I said no.have not heard him since.
Je suis infirmière espagnole de passage à Paris. Je m’appele B. Espinoza. J'ai consulté Davic Mocq deux fois et j'ai payé 250 euros à chaque fois. Tout ce qu'il m'a dit était faux. Je l'ai appelé et je me suis plainte. Il m'a menacé et m'a accusé de acoso (harcèlement) et m’a dit que j’ai mal compris parce que je parle mal le français. Il était très en colère contre moi et m'a parlé d'une manière vulgaire et menaçante. Je fus trompée par lui. Depuis que je suis espagnole de Madrid et je visite Paris pendant 2 semaines, je ne savais pas comment déposer une plainte de fausse pratique contre David Mocq. J'ai besoin d’aide. J’AI PERDU MON ARGENT. Que puis-je faire. Sig. Espinoza
Beware of Romance scammer Glen Richardson richardsonglen21@hotmail.com
He is good. Showing pictures of Ewe Hubertus Knodlseder. Said he is captain of Cargo ship and away for 7 months. Claims to have adopted son (William Terry) away at boarding school He was very convincing skyped with phoney cam corder. After one week of hearing how much he was in love with me he said he has gold dust and gold blocks along with $350,000 in a holding company (Stallion Financial Securities) He said he had to get it out because his time was up there and they would begin charging $30.00 per day. He wanted me to accept the package coming from Ghana. At this point I knew he was trying to scam me but I played along . I received a misspelled email requesting a total of $975. to receive package. I found this site with pictures of the real Ewe and also phoney picture of the adopted so which turned to be an actor from 2102 That's when I busted him . Be very careful he is good.
Il nous a été donné de constater la recrudescence de nombreuses attaques ciblant les particuliers mais aussi les entreprises et les administrations. Elles visent à obtenir des informations personnelles afin de les exploiter pour arnaquer, portant préjudices aux internautes. Internet est un espace de liberté où chacun peut communiquer et s'épanouir. Les droits de tous doivent y être respectés, pour que la « toile » reste un espace d'échanges et de respect. Pour remédier à ces pratiques malsaines, l’Office central de lutte contre la criminalité liée aux technologies de l'information et de la communication (OCLCTIC) et la Brigade d’enquêtes sur les fraudes aux technologies de l’information (BEFTI) créés par les pouvoirs publics sont à la disposition des populations victimes de toutes les formes de criminalité sur internet. Une seule adresse pour signaler que vous êtes victimes d’une arnaque.
ADRESSE MAIL : internet_signalement_gouv_france@mail.com