Crowdfunding Scams on the Rise: A Looming Threat to the Industry’s Future

Crowdfunding Scams

Definition of Crowdfunding Scams: Cunning schemes that exploit the power of crowdfunding platforms to deceive unsuspecting individuals and individuals seeking to support innovative endeavors.

The advent of crowdfunding platforms has revolutionized the way individuals and businesses raise capital. These platforms have democratized access to funding, enabling entrepreneurs, artists, and social causes to connect with a global audience of potential backers. However, this open access has also attracted the attention of unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit the trust and goodwill of crowdfunding enthusiasts.

In 2023, the global crowdfunding industry raised over $300 billion, a testament to its growing popularity. However, this growth has also come with an increase in fraudulent activities. In 2024, crowdfunding scams continue to pose a significant threat to the industry. According to a recent report by Veriff, a global identity verification provider, overall fraud incidents are up 20% compared to last year’s findings. The report attributes this increase to the rise of impersonation fraud and the availability of more sophisticated attack methodologies and tools.

Types of Crowdfunding Scams

Crowdfunding scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, employing various tactics to deceive potential backers.

Here are ten of the most common crowdfunding scams to be aware of:

1. Fake medical campaigns:

These campaigns prey on people’s empathy by fabricating stories of rare illnesses, uninsured expenses, or life-saving treatments. Scammers often create realistic personas and websites to appear legitimate, collecting large sums of money before disappearing.

2. Proof-of-concept abuse:

Ambitious projects with exciting prototypes often attract backers eager to support innovation. Scammers exploit this enthusiasm by presenting fake prototypes or exaggerated capabilities. They may even delay or cancel projects indefinitely, leaving backers with unfulfilled promises.

3. Impersonation fraud:

Scammers may assume the identities of real people or organizations to gain trust and credibility. They may use stolen profiles or create elaborate social media personas to build rapport with potential backers.

4. Early access abuse:

Some scammers collect money for early access to products or services that are never actually developed or delivered. They may use marketing hype and slick video presentations to convince backers to pre-order or invest.

5. Reward scarcity scams:

These scams create a false sense of urgency by limiting the availability of rewards or offering early-bird discounts that expire soon. This pressure can lead backers to make impulsive decisions without proper research.

6. Bogus donation campaigns:

Some scammers create fake charity campaigns to collect donations for causes that don’t exist or that are already well-funded. They may use emotional appeals and stock photos to make their campaigns appear legitimate.

7. Overpromising and underdelivering:

Some scammers overhype their projects and make unrealistic promises to attract backers. They may fail to meet project deadlines, deliver subpar products, or simply disappear without fulfilling their commitments.

8. Fake contests and giveaways:

Scammers may create fake contests or giveaways on social media or crowdfunding platforms to solicit personal information or click-throughs. They may ask winners to provide bank account details or click on malicious links.

9. Phishing scams:

Scammers may impersonate crowdfunding platforms or project owners to send emails or direct messages requesting personal information or financial transactions. They may try to trick backers into entering their credit card details or clicking on links that lead to fake websites.

10. Refund scams:

Some scammers may promise refunds for failed projects but never actually deliver them. They may make excuses, delay refunds, or provide fake documentation to avoid paying backers.

Protecting Yourself from Crowdfunding Scams

To safeguard your investment and avoid falling victim to crowdfunding scams, follow these guidelines:

  1. Thorough Research and Due Diligence: Before committing to any crowdfunding campaign, conduct thorough research on the project, its creators, and their past endeavors. Check their social media presence, website reviews, and any available media coverage. Verify the team’s credentials, expertise, and experience.
  2. Verify Project Legitimacy: Scrutinize the campaign’s details, including funding goals, timelines, and project deliverables. Question any inconsistencies, unrealistic expectations, or lack of transparency. Look for third-party reviews or assessments from reputable sources.
  3. Seek Independent Opinions: Don’t rely solely on the project’s promotional materials. Seek independent opinions from online communities, forums, and social media groups to gauge general sentiment about the campaign and its credibility.
  4. Review Refund Policies: Familiarize yourself with the crowdfunding platform’s refund policy in case the project fails to deliver or meets your expectations. Understand the timeframe and process for requesting a refund.
  5. Examine Project History: If the project creators have a history of crowdfunding campaigns, check their previous efforts. Evaluate their past performance, project completion rates, and user feedback.
  6. Avoid Emotional Appeal Traps: Don’t let emotional appeals or heart-wrenching stories cloud your judgment. Scammers often exploit empathy to lure unsuspecting backers. Focus on objective facts and avoid impulsive decisions based on emotional triggers.
  7. Question Ambiguous Language and Lack of Details: Be wary of projects that use vague or ambiguous language, lack specific product descriptions, or avoid providing concrete timelines. These could be indicators of a scam.
  8. Verify Payment Methods: Use secure payment methods like credit cards or online wallets that offer chargebacks or fraud protection. Avoid direct money transfers or cryptocurrency payments, as these are more difficult to reverse in case of fraud.
  9. Beware of Personalized Messages: Scammers may send personalized emails or messages from fake accounts to instill trust and encourage contributions. Don’t engage with these messages, and report them to the platform if suspicious.
  10. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or doesn’t seem right, trust your intuition and walk away. Scammers often rely on manipulation and deception to gain trust. Don’t hesitate to avoid a project that raises red flags.

Reporting and Preventing Scams

If you suspect a fraudulent crowdfunding campaign, report it to the platform immediately. Provide as much evidence as possible, including screenshots, links, and any relevant information. Crowdfunding platforms have dedicated teams to investigate and address such cases.

  1. Report to the Crowdfunding Platform: Most crowdfunding platforms have dedicated mechanisms for reporting suspicious or fraudulent campaigns. Locate the reporting option on the platform’s website or app. Provide as much information as possible about the campaign, including screenshots, links, and any relevant details.
  2. File a Complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC is responsible for protecting consumers from fraud and scams. You can file a complaint online at the FTC website or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357).
  3. Contact Your Credit Card Company: If you used a credit card to make a contribution to the fraudulent campaign, contact your credit card company immediately. Explain the situation and request a chargeback to reverse the payment.
  4. Seek Legal Counsel: If you have suffered significant financial losses due to a crowdfunding scam, consider seeking legal counsel to explore your options for recovering your money.

In addition to reporting scams, you can play a proactive role in preventing them by sharing awareness and education. Educate your friends, family, and colleagues about common crowdfunding scams, encouraging them to exercise caution and make informed decisions before backing any project.

Crowdfunding has immense potential to transform lives and support innovative endeavors. By staying informed, exercising caution, and supporting legitimate projects, we can collectively safeguard the integrity of this emerging industry and ensure that crowdfunding remains a trusted platform for creativity and innovation.


The rise of crowdfunding has transformed the landscape of fundraising, but it has also opened doors for unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit the platform’s accessibility. By exercising caution, conducting thorough research, and supporting reputable projects, backers can navigate the crowdfunding landscape safely and responsibly. As the industry continues to evolve, collaboration between platforms, backers, and regulatory bodies is essential to maintain trust and prevent fraud. By fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, crowdfunding can continue to democratize access to capital while safeguarding the interests of individuals and businesses seeking to bring their dreams to life.

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